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Product Code: 58438
Use CX Horticulture Growth Enhancer to shorten your veg by days!
A healthy, vigorous growth phase is essential in building the foundations that lead to big yields.
Growth Enhancer increases the leaf size and chlorophyll density of your plants, accelerating their rate of vegetative growth.
Additionally, Growth Enhancer boosts sugar levels and enhances protein production which results in an overall increased production capacity.
This increased production capacity leads to a much tougher and more durable plant able to sustain an increased final yield.
The Mighty Growth Enhancer...
- Increases leaf area, light interception and utilization
- Increases protein and carbohydrate production
- Increases vigor during vegetative growth
- Increases total yield
Detailed description:
- Nitrogen 11%
- Phosphate 0%
- Potash 0%
- Directions: Shake well before use. Use 1ml/L during the vegetative period and the first two weeks of the flowering period
- Available sizes 1L, 5L
Package includes:
1x CX Horticulture MIGHTY GROWTH
- Availability: IN STOCK