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- KOOTENAY STANDARD FILTER KFI 500 - 420CFM 16''x20'' (1)
Product Code: 43019
KFI Standard Line filters are made with virgin activated CKV-4 carbon. Each filter is hand made in North America using a proven filing process making this product one of the best filters on the market. At KFI we take pride in our products and ensure our customers receive the highest quality products available.
- Virgin activated, pelletized CKV-4 Carbon
- Dedusted and screened
- Low pressure drop rated @0.1 sec. contact time
- Long service life
- Max operating temperature 80°C / 176°F
- Max allowed humidity 70% (short term only)
- Prefilter installed
- Robust galvanized steel housing
- Single packaged and sealed for storage
- Made in North America
- 2.55” carbon bed
- KFI flanges sold separately, available in 4” to 16”
- Replacement Prefilter: 43054
CFM Ratings:
Max Exhaust CFM – 420
Max Recirculate CFM – 840
- Availability: OUT OF STOCK